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Content by tag : Politics


Following a heated and divisive debate in Belgium’s parliament yesterday, legislators ultimately voted in favour of extending euthanasia to terminally ill minors who are capable of making the deci


A controversial new child euthanasia law that has made headlines around the world was heavily debated for a final time yesterday in Belgium’s parliament.


The Federal Parliament last week approved a proposed law that recognises clinical psychologists and orthopedagogists as health professions and provides a legal framework for psych


The growing issue of homelessness in Brussels is becoming more political by the day as the country’s politicians exchange barbs on how to solve the problem and on whom to place the blame.


Two new studies released by Oxford University Press suggest that Belgium’s political mayhem may have actually helped the country weather the global economic crisis.


Sonja Becq of the Flemish socialist party (SP.A) presented a proposal yesterday to change the pension system by scrapping the right to a pension at 65 years in favour of the award of a pension aft


The country’s leading politicians met yesterday in the prime minister’s Brussels residence to sign a landmark constitution reform that will fundamentally change the structure of Belgium.


Belgium stands at number 15 on the list of the world's least corrupt countries, drawn up annually by Transparency International.


Maggie De Block of the liberal Open VLD party has been chosen “most popular politician” in Flanders in a poll carried out by De Morgen and VTM.
