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Content by tag : Politics


Sonja Becq of the Flemish socialist party (SP.A) presented a proposal yesterday to change the pension system by scrapping the right to a pension at 65 years in favour of the award of a pension aft


The country’s leading politicians met yesterday in the prime minister’s Brussels residence to sign a landmark constitution reform that will fundamentally change the structure of Belgium.


Belgium stands at number 15 on the list of the world's least corrupt countries, drawn up annually by Transparency International.


Maggie De Block of the liberal Open VLD party has been chosen “most popular politician” in Flanders in a poll carried out by De Morgen and VTM.


Louis Michel, a member of the European Parliament and former EU commissioner, has denied any knowledge of more than 150 amendments proposed to an EU privacy law in his name.


Former Belgian prime minister Yves Leterme (pictured) will remain in his post as Deputy Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for a furthe


On the second day of announcements leading up to its congress in January, the Flemish nationalist party N-VA unveiled a radical plan for Brussels yesterday, which would strip the capital of its st


Yvan Mayeur, head of the Brussels social aid agency CPAS, has defended the €192,000 salary paid to Pascale Peraita, director of SamuSocial, the non-profit set up to look after the city's homeless.


“Belgium is climbing out of the depths,” said prime minister Elio di Rupo in his State of the Union speech yesterday.
