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Content by tag : summer


Domestic violence in Belgium reaches a peak in the summer, according to federal police statistics, which reveal that the risk of being killed by a relative is greater than the risk of


Six out of 10 Belgians have holiday plans this summer, an increase on last year when only half took summer holidays.


Last month was Belgium's wettest month of June since records began in Uccle in 1833, with an exceptional 174.6 millimeters of precipitation, writes Metrotime.


The organisers of major Belgian music festivals like Rock Werchter, Tomorrowland, Graspop, the Gentse Feesten and Lokerse Feesten on Monday will meet to discuss the security measures to be taken t


The Belgian summer of 2014 was the wettest summer since 1992, reported meteorologist David Dehenauw on Sunday.

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Temperatures are rising in Belgium and let’s hope it stays that way. To make the most out of these long summer days. The Bulletin team has reassembled our favourite picks to cool down.

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Are you like the 53% of Belgians who plan on sticking aroun

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While airlines might be starting up international flights again, many of us are not quite ready to hop aboard.
