Content by tag : violence
The mayors of Anderlecht, Forest and Saint-Gilles, along with the police chief of the Midi police zone, are again calling for the federal judicial police and the federal railway police forces to b
Brussels’ Regional Security Council has granted a six-month extension to the "hotspot strategy" developed to coordinate the fight against drug trafficking in the Belgian capital.
The Brussels metro system is experiencing major service disruption after gunshots were fired around Clemenceau station at 6.15 this morning.
Brussels firefighters and emergency personnel once again faced a difficult New Year’s Eve in the capital, finding themselves the target of violence as they attempted to carry out their work helpin
A recent spate of shootings in Brussels has left eight people dead in the span of just seven months, with the latest firearms incident bringing the total this year to 34.
The Belgian town of Wervik in West Flanders is closing its border crossing to France on Monday evening during the Euro football match that pits the two countries against one another.
A shooting in Saint-Gilles left two people dead and three injured early on Thursday morning, according to police reports.
The Brussels’ agency for prevention and security has opened the first centre for intrafamily violence in the region.
Four police officers involved in the death of Mehdi Bouda will not be prosecuted following a ruling from a Brussels court.