Content by tag : Wildlife
Limburg's wolf couple Noëlla and August are expecting a litter as early as next week, according to the Flemish Agency for Nature and Woodlands.
Baby peregrine falcons have been popping out of eggs in Brussels over the last week, in the clock towers watched by scientists and residents with great anticipation every year.
A pheasant was caught on camera this weekend in Saint-Gilles, not exactly a normal sight for the densely populated municipality in Brussels.
First it was wolves, now it is otters.
As expected, August and Noella have found each other. Based on nocturnal footage recorded by the Flemish Agency for Nature and Woods, the two wolves have paired up.
A wolf is suspected to have killed one domestic kangaroo and injured another during a nocturnal attack over Christmas in the northeast region of Belgium, a wildlife specialist has reported to AFP
A baby king penguin was born at Antwerp Zoo last week, the first to be born there in three years. It’s good news for the zoo, where the king penguin colony is down to 10 members.
The European hedgehog is in danger in Flanders, with numbers dwindling to half what they were 10 years ago. A number of issues have come together to endanger the little spine-covered mammal.
Ten years ago this week, Belgium experienced the birth of a baby elephant for the first time.