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Cost of Medical tests (no mutuelle/no health insurance)


My medical insurance is not in order.

I am in the middle ages and feel like having short of breath sometimes. Visited the home doctor and he recommends the following tests and ask me to meet a cardiologist and a lung specialist in Brussels, (say St.Michels).

This expenses need to be borne by me. I am brooding over whether to do these in Belgium or go to another country as a health tourist.

Tests & consultations foreseen are:
# TreadMill Test ?
# Pulmonary Function Test ?
# ECG ?
# MRI scan for the knee

Question arises if I can do these test here or , go somewhere as a health tourist.


Do you have a Belgian ID? If so, you could easily apply for the basic Belgian complimentary insurance (you pay 2 euros a year for membership, and get reimbursed for medical procedures just like the other big complimentary issurances, the only thing you don't get is travel insurance and invalidity insurance I believe):

More info on in our recent article:

Feb 7, 2014 11:14

I am not a resident of Belgium and is a visitor. So, do not think I would be able to sign up for an insurance here. Knowing that I have to pay this from my pocket, Just interested to know how much it cost typically.

Feb 7, 2014 11:30

Call a hospital/clinic and ask

Feb 7, 2014 12:03

Thanks you. Will do so.

Feb 7, 2014 13:43

The private hospitals/clinics will do all the tests, just you have to pay immediatelly. Some prices, as far as I remeber them, MRI in Edith Cavell - around 300 EUR last November; ECG is part of my anual medical check up and should not be more than 50 EUR.

Feb 8, 2014 13:00

Thank you all Miki, Isabella, Kelly !

Feb 8, 2014 13:31

MRI of the head ran me 175 euros in 2012 and that was the cost in different clinics plus or minus 20 euros, when I called around. 300 euros sounds rather high.
I also had the pulmonary function test and that was cheaper than the MRI, but can't find the receipt now. I want to say 100-125 euros

Feb 10, 2014 01:23

The costs of the MRI is indeed around 300 EUR based on a very recent experience (university hospital).

Feb 11, 2014 12:28