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Curtain-making for reasonable prices


Could anyone suggest a place where I could get materials for/ have curtains made for a reasonable price / with a fair choice in Brussels or surroundings? Alternatively, a place to by the materials, and someone to saw them?


Hi, this was what I had been researching for the past few weeks.

1) Ikea has some ready made curtains, but limited choices and mainly the type where it is held through a pole.

2) Les Tissus du Chien Vert - is where you will find loads and loads of cloth materials etc for making curtains or pillow cases etc. I was there last weekend, but sadly, service and communication was bad. I noticed a lot of locals go here.

3) Heytens Zaventem (near Ikea) - this was where I ended up making my 4 sets of curtains. there are a variety of materials to choose from. And they will sew for you, depending on the design etc that you wish. Takes 3-4 weeks.

Hope this helps.

Apr 8, 2013 22:00

Thanks a lot! Could you tell me what was the ballpark price at Heytens for curtain + sawing?

Apr 9, 2013 09:55

When we bought curtains we found that all shops selling curtain material would make the curtains for you free of charge unless you chose the absolute cheapest range of fabrics.
The biggest problem was that they all tried to convince us that we needed far more material than is necessary. If your windows are 3 metres wide you obviously need more than 3 metres of material but you certainly don't need the 8 to 9 metres that many places tried to sell us.

Apr 9, 2013 11:00

thats a great tip. thnxs from me too

Apr 9, 2013 12:09

There is also a Heytens on rue Jean Stas, pedestrian street just off Ave Louise, for those who don't have a car.

Apr 9, 2013 13:06

I measured all my curtains, and brought the measurements over to Heytens. Then you do the following (suggestion):-
1) choose the material/cloth - which determines the bulk of the cost
For e.g. cloth can range from cheapest of 6.xx euros to >40 euros. Reasonable are those in range of 12 to 20 euros, which I think some are really nice, and with design as well.
2) do you want double layer / black out layer for bedroom
3) finishing - do you want them to do simple pleating? or sewed in? or willing to take the trouble yourself to fit in the steel/plastic holders (=cheaper option).
They will then make you a quote and you see if you are agreeable.
For me, I have the cheapest set at 135 euros (all made, except I have to put in the holders myself), and my `most expensive' at 225 euros.

Apr 9, 2013 21:54