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customer rights-telecom


Dear expats, does any of you know an organisation for customer rights in Belgium. I'm particularly interested whether ordering a telecom service on-line could be valid if I did not sign any contract on paper. By mistake I ordered internet at Mobistar, but it appears that this company does not provide internet services any more. I cancelled the order immediately and never used it, however, now there's a letter from a bailiff threatening with a court procedure if I don't pay. Thank you for any hint how to deal with this.


1. Given that you can order anything from a computer to airline tickets online, it seems to me that online orders would be binding.
2. As far as I know, Mobistar still provides mobile internet service. If it no longer provides the service you ordered, what are they charging you for?
3. Have you been to a Mobistar boutique to discuss the matter?

Mar 5, 2014 17:24

you have a right to cancel orders on-line in certain circumstances.

Mar 5, 2014 17:41

Hello Natmc, your useful link says that "in the EU, you have the right to cancel your online purchase within seven working days" after you receive the purchase. I cancelled within 8 days after placing the order, if Saturday is considered a working day in Belgium. On the other hand, I assume that I should have received some Mobistar hardware to install on my pc. It never came and I'm not sure what is a purchase in this case.

Mimi, I discussed the matter to Mobistar, but they insisted on paying for the breach of contract. In contrary to online tickets or goods, I did not purchase this service, but I'm not sure if it makes a difference.

Mar 5, 2014 21:28

Dear expats,

this is the answer I received from the European Consumer Center - thanks to the link sent by NATMC: "You have a right of withdrawal for 14 days. This period starts the day after the conclusion of the contract."

Great service, good news

Mar 14, 2014 14:32