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Cycling Belgium


Can anyone recommend a nice hotel/B + B not more than an hour from Brussels where you could spend a weekend and do some good cycling?


I have heard anout cycling cabins you can rent. I know a friend who has used one in OVerijse and cyled to Leuven (which I believe also has them)... sorry, I don't have more details. otherwise, check out Cadzand, Nl. It is about 1.5 hours away and has great paths near the coast and in the countryside.

Mar 27, 2014 08:14

A lot depends on what area of Belgium you want to cycle in. One of the best is in Flanders near Ypres. This is a great place to stay and use as a centre:

Mar 28, 2014 08:23

A few years ago we had a short cycling break around Thuin. We had a B&B in a little village nearby - sorry, can't remember the name.

From Thuin the rides along the Sambre in either direction are really delightful and there are good rides in the surrounding countryside too. Thuin itself is on two levels, with a steep grade between the high and the low town.

Mar 28, 2014 10:26

Highly recommend: country B&B in the Flemish Ardennes
Dirk, Chris en Silke Zegers-Troffaes
Spinele 12
9660 Everbeek Beneden
Tel. +32 (0) 470 89 03 93

Mar 28, 2014 20:17
Luke actually in french speaking part near border with Holland at Eben-Emael. Never stayed there -- but have met the people who run it at the local bakers and they seem very nice ---- Depends on your interests -- be a good base to cycle into Holland or tour the region of Belgium bordering Holland

Mar 28, 2014 21:18

had more of a dig -- and they are cycle friendly -- also offer cycle hire -- if I didn't live near -- I would stay there ;-)

Mar 28, 2014 21:31