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In dangerous situation, need help


Long story short, I ignored the advice of everyone and came to Belgium from the US to meet the man of my dreams. Well, that turned out to be a nightmare. The police have been here many times in the past week and a half, called by HIM when he's drunk and stoned on sleeping pills. He finally bought a plane ticket for me to leave but is making me wait two weeks. He's more abusive all the time and I need to get out ASAP. I don't have the money for a ticket on my own, and I don't even have a way to get to the airport. I don't have a phone either and can't use his. I have emailed the embassy but haven't heard anything from them. What can I do? I'm really afraid, and I don't scare easily. If possible please email me with advice. Thank you.



R, to be fair the OP has not given any information on where this guy lives and consequently where she is currently staying. For all we know she could be somewhere deep in the Flemish countryside or somewhere in the Ardennes in which case getting to the US Embassy will involve a lot more than a 2-hour walk.

Oct 30, 2013 11:28

Go to the police and ask the address of an organisation who can help you, and eventually give you a spot in a safe house until you can leave. In Flanders this is called Slachtofferhulp ( and it gives aid to all victims of a crime (abuse being a crime). You have to be more pro-active than just trying to get a new plane ticket. No one will pay the difference in price for you... Getting out of the house is more important! Good luck.

Oct 30, 2013 12:01

go to a pay phone, you must be able to find a couple of euros hanging around. Call the us embassy on this number 02 811 43 00
Listen to the recording and at the end it will ask you to press 0 for an emergency!
If you can't find a pay phone as someone in a bar or a store. Explain to them as best you can. Or go to the police station and ask them to let you call the US embassy.

Oct 30, 2013 16:00

I can't stress this enough, but get out! Grab your stuff, get to the police station call the embassy and ask to be repatriated back home.

Oct 30, 2013 16:02

Find out how much a single airline economy class flight would cost,.
Then send an email to your relatives back in America and ask them to send the money to the US embassy in Brussels for you to collect for your return flight, and train ticket to Brussels airport?
Pay them back when you return to America.

Oct 30, 2013 18:13

Funny how OP hasn't responded since someone said maybe this wasn't serious....

Oct 31, 2013 10:33

*Siomah350, I did wonder but felt it was right to respond as if the post was genuine - we can never be sure.

Oct 31, 2013 11:24

Hi, sorry I didn't's been a hellacious week. He flipped out again tonight and pulled out a knife. To use on himself, not me. I called the police and they brought me to a hotel. I'll be safe here this week until my flight leaves next weekend.

There's no way I could have walked to Brussels, I am in East Flanders. Thank you all for your advice. The situation is under control now. The police were wonderful.

Nov 2, 2013 01:44

Thanks for the update.
Stay safe.

Nov 2, 2013 09:48
