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Days off when moving


I have been told before (and remember reading on this site), that in some circumstances workers are permitted additional leave days from work when buying / moving property.

1. Is this correct?

2. If yes, where can I find the legal references to it?


Sarah Crew May 8, 2014 12:58

Generally not. Some sectors and companies have a special provision for it, you should check with HR and/or your sectorial agreements...

May 8, 2014 17:56
Marky Mark

You're allowed one on the day of the move.
Though it's up to your company whether it's their policy for it to be paid or not.
For example, previous comp I worked for there were 4 days "social verlof" paid per year - with moving day being inc as a social verlof day.
Present company however doesn't pay social verlof days...

May 9, 2014 09:24