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Deep Thought Series: Love in the dark hour of humanity

Full Circle
07/11/2023 from 18:30until 07/11/2023 - 18:30
7 Nov
Full Circle Brussels
Chaussée de Vleurgat 89
1050  Brussels

"This was going to be a discussion on masculinities. On sexual practices and gender norms shaped and re-shaped by capitalism. On new ways of navigating cultural uncertainty that don’t require pathologizing the experience of billions of humans as something toxic or unsavoury. On raising girls and boys generously and lovingly so they can be kind, happy and themselves. As the words pop up on my screen, my fingers hitting the keys as they have frantically for days, there isn’t room to contemplate much else aside the fire and rubble of Gaza. Feeling puny and impotent, standing by, watching the nuclear meltdown of our very humanity. The despair, perdition, which one way or another, will haunt us through the decades, just as the horrors of other ages, Shoah or Nakba, are haunting us now. In this age of rupture, old delusions are in flames. We are in between the worlds, economically, geopolitically, in terms of security, in our own lives. The more we hold on to old fictions by our fingernails, opposing ceasefires, staying put, looking the other way, insisting on more of the same, the more alone we are in discomfort, in cognitive dissonance. This Deep Thought session is a huddle for those who need togetherness in darkness, who have a yearning for better things, for difficult truths concurrently upheld, moral revival and the triumph of humanity’s best, loving traits. Join us." - Andreea