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Dental work redone?


I have been told by a few dentists back in the US to try not get any fillings done on cavities due to the different materials that are used. They end up having to redo all their patients who work or had lived in Europe. Has anyone had this problem before when they went back? I think I have a cavity and can't wait to next July when I go back. Also, anyone know of any really good English speaking dentists in the weezembeck, Tervuren, Waterloo area?



Do you seriously think that all us Europeans need our fillings replaced or would it not be more likely that a dentist in the US is looking for a reason to do work on your teeth?

Go to Dentalvision in Tervuren, everyone speaks English there. You will get a substantial proportion of the costs refunded by your mutuelle.

Nov 25, 2012 22:20