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Diamonds Antwerpen


Hello folks!

A friend of mine wants to buy an engagement ring with diamond in Antwerpen and is asking for advice.

I have no experience with this.

Would you have suggestions for trusted shops? Do's & don't's?

Many thanks!


tell your "friend" ;-) ;-) he should go for it!
I have a diamond ring from Antwerp, the sellers in the shops (usually highly attractive women) are lovely, so helpful, they all speak english and have seemingly eternal patience while you try on a billion rings! They engraved the inside of mine on the spot, I negociated the price (they put enormous prices on the labels, dont be put off though, I negociated almost 1000eur off the 'asking price') and I also have a lifetime guarantee.

One tip - be VERY careful leaving the shop!! Theives watch people coming and going, and will try to mug you on your way out if they think you've bought anything!! I was followed by a man for about 20mins as I left the shop, until I managed to bump into a police man.

congratulations to your 'friend' ;-)

May 5, 2012 22:42