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divorce and pay


Who does one inform when divorced so pay can be rectified? fgtb or commune, or mutual that pays?
Thank you


Pay is not dependent on your marital status.

Sep 22, 2013 21:52

Not clear what you mean, but you should inform your employer, your Mutuelle, and the Commune of the change in your marital status. Apart from anything else, your Belgian ID card should be amended to show that you are "divorced." Hope this helps.

Sep 23, 2013 08:30
Marie Lewis

Pay is dependent on your marital status because the taxes are different once you're divorced. So you should inform your employer or its HR Department.
As far as the Mutuelle or the Commune are concerned, once your divorce has been offically declared, those and other official instances will be warned. You don't have anything to do about official establishments.
Good luck.

Sep 23, 2013 09:24

Pay is not dependent on marital status. And tax is not different for divorcees.

Your NET INCOME /may/ change, but that will depend on who your dependents are and how you split responsibility for them, what alimony you pay, etc. But you should know all this, as you should have sorted it out in the divorce agreement.

Sep 23, 2013 11:37

J, your take-home PAY is different post-divorce. Don't be a jerk. Your tone is all wrong.

Oct 13, 2014 09:29