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Dog Ownership and Documentation in Belgium
Hi. We’re planning to get a dog soon and have several questions regarding the bureaucratic side of it.
1. Will we need to register the dog within the commune? If yes, does it cost anything?
2. How can we register the dog with the vet, what kinds of vets is it better to do with? And how much can it cost?
3. Where is it best to get a pet insurance, and how much could it cover?
4. Is it worth getting a family liability package?
If you have any other suggestions, especially regarding the budget and costs of getting all the necessary documentation done please let us know. We’re open to 100% of information regarding owning a dog in Belgium.
Thanks in advance.
"En Belgique, tous les chiens doivent obligatoirement être identifiés et enregistrés avant d’être vendus ou donnés, ou, en tout cas, avant d’avoir atteint l’âge de quatre mois. L’identification se fait au moyen d’une puce placée par le vétérinaire ou d’un tatouage.
Pour pouvoir voyager dans l’UE, le chien doit être identifié par puce électronique, être vacciné contre la rage, posséder un passeport européen pour animal de compagnie délivré par un vétérinaire."
So the dog is registered by the seller, the dig must be registered by the age of 4 months, the registration taes the form of a chip in the ear pr a tattoo on the ear.. The seller should also provide the dog's European passport (delivered by the vet) so that the dog can travel. Must also be vaccinated against rabies.
No need to register with your borough.
4. Is it worth getting a family liability package?
Yes. Regardless of whether or not you have a pet. Talk to your insurance broker.
As for insurance, I don't now anyone who has it. You have to decide if paying the insurance premium will be worth it.
As for which vet to use, that's a personal choice.
I'm very happy with my vet Dr. Thierry Herbaut who has an office
in central Brussels in the Dansaert neighborhood 02 512 15 75 and one in Rhode-Saint-Genèse 02 380 64 48
Correction: it's only in parts of Belgium and if you want to travel in Europe with the dog that you must have rabies vaccination. The parts of Belgium:
– au sud du sillon Sambre et Meuse
– dans tous les campings et caravanings de Belgique
– pour voyager en dehors de la Belgique
– pour accéder à certaines expositions canines
Vaccinations normally given to dogs:
La première année votre chiot doit être vacciné 3 fois contre les maladies contagieuses, il aura en général une vaccination avant 3 mois (vers 7-8 semaines), une après 3 mois et un rappel 2 à 4 semaines après. Par la suite les vaccinations seront répétées annuellement, vous recevrez en général un rappel automatisé de la part de votre vétérinaire.
Les vaccins protègent classiquement contre la maladie de Carré (C), l’hépatite de Rubarth (H), la parvovirose (P), le parainfluenza canin (Pi), la leptospirose (L) et la rage (R). Ce sont des maladies infectieuses graves pour nos chiens.
If you are planning to get a dog from a shelter this is the place to go, a truly wonderful shelter:
I suggest you contact and ask them for free information and advice. Website address and contact details are:
URL/ Website:
PB 20000
B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Tel: +32 (0)2 333 92 22
Fax: +32 (0)2 333 92 20
Hi we both brought a dog over with us and then rescued one. Please think twixe about paying for a pedigree good breeders have long lists of waiting and puppy farmed are the mist likely if its not a recognised breeder. Find a good vet in your area there are plenty and you can swap if you sont like them. Yes you must tell your commune you have one we always have told them when we reregister. We never found insurance here but never looked. The rabies cerificate is needed if taking your dog to some other countries so its chip jab blood tests. If you get a pup ot older dog it will probrably have its vaccinations in place but vet can advise
Once the dog has been registered electronically/tattooed there is no requirement to register the dog with the borough.
For insurance:
I guess it makes sense for an older dog where regular medical costs are expected.