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Just wondering... Is there anything wrong with paying someone for house cleaning and not use the sodexo checks thru a titres services?


Do you honestly believe that you will be the only one?

Oct 11, 2013 10:00

well what's wrong is that the person that receives the money doesn't pay any taxes like me or you (presumably) but as the same time this person uses the same public services of you and me, roads, public transports, hospitals and so on; which need money and maintenance all the time.

if you are ok with it then there is nothing wrong. If you get caught it's troubles...

Oct 11, 2013 10:43

Hi, there's nothing wrong as long as no one reports u.. If u want someone connected to titres services pls. call me I am available Monday and Friday. 0484457293.

Oct 11, 2013 12:12

The answer is "it depends".

You can do it quite legally, BUT if you do it legally, it will cost you more than the Titres Services.

If you pay less than the Titres Services rate, it must be in the black, and if you get caught, the fines are quite large (€3000+)

Oct 11, 2013 12:36
Emille B.

If you "employ" someone cash in hand , it is rather wise to take out an insurance for "huispersoneel" it is about 60 euro's a year , is normally an option with family insurance , if the person who works in your house has an accident , you are insured......

Oct 11, 2013 22:10

If you "employ" someone cash in hand , it is a waste of money to take out an insurance for "huispersoneel".
The insurers will not pay out on an accident to someone who is working illegally. And insurers LOVE to have a reason not to pay out on a claim so they will check.

Oct 12, 2013 08:40