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domestic violence


Just need to post as i just witnessed domestic violence in the streets of Brussels. A man was forcing a woman into a house and hitting her and she tried to run away, he ran after her and grabbed her into the house. I don't know French i asked for help from the men around the area. They said they didn't understand me.

An elderly couple told me to leave it there was nothing i could do that i had babies with me and to be safe and go away. I approached students further down the road, they said it was the Brussels way. Unfortunately in my panic i didn't actually get to see the house number, and not sure if i would recognize them, i had my children with me, so didn't want to get to close.

Could i go to the police with such fragmented evidence/information?

me in belgium

yes you can. It might well be the trigger for her to have the courage to get away if the police investigate. You could also have called the police when you saw the violence. It is a very tricky area

Oct 30, 2012 14:24