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Drink-driving checks drop in 2013

10:09 03/07/2014

The number of drink-driving checks fell in 2013 for the first time in six years, reports Het Nieuwsblad. The federal road police tested 258,414 drivers for drink driving in 2013, against 271,000 in 2012.

“My officers cannot be deployed in all places at the same time,” said federal road police director Michaël Jonniaux. “You have to make choices during a year when many European summits are held, as was the case in 2013.” According to Jonniaux, the government’s overall goal for 240,000 drink-driving checks to be carried out was nevertheless reached.

Motoring association Touring reacted unfavourably to the news. “The only way to deal with drink drivers once and for all is to increase the probability of their being checked,” said the association’s spokesperson, Danny Smagghe.

Belgium’s road safety institute, IBSR/BIVV, also criticised the drop in the amount of attention being paid to drink driving.

Meanwhile, local police managed to carry out 960,000 breathalyser tests last year, which is almost the same figure as for 2012.

Written by Deborah Forsyth