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Drink more beer, urge Belgian brewers
15:03 16/10/2013
The Belgian Brewers Association wants to do something about the declining beer consumption in Belgium, which has dropped to a historic low of an average of one pint a day, writes Het Nieuwsblad. Therefore, the brewers are launching a media campaign, involving TV and radio spots and ads in newspapers and magazines, starting in November and continuing through 2014. "Forty years ago, Belgians still drank an average of 120 liters per year," says director Sven Gatz. "Today that number is just 74 liters. It is a bizarre and conflicting situation because our beers are so highly appraised abroad, while in Belgium consumption is on the decline."
Be delighted to drink more healthy delicious Belgian beer, but there is a problem! The police give you a big fine if you drive a vehicle.
Solution: Arrange a beer drinking week where there are no police fines.
That would generate money for the breweries, cafés and restaurants and the public would be very happy to relax. Extra tight rules and regulations need to be relaxed, from time to time.
they should think more about their pricing structures if they really want us to drink more of the stuff
Too many people are going over the top with drinking, especially those driving with cans of beer in their hands and slugging it down which creates a VERY dangerous drink drive situation. The other comment MUM... there isn't much they can do, as the taxes of alcohol and beers plus cigarettes have increased beyond imagination. Why? Because the EU is demanding a "austerity" sort budget and they keep complaining that Belgium's budget isn't secure. Whatever.
& just how, exactly, could belgians drink any more beer anyhow?