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Ecocheques - spent on anything electrical?


A friend of mine went into Vandenborre last year with his ecocheques to buy some eco LCD screen, they basically told him he could spend the cheques on anything in the store he wanted..

I sent Vandenborre a mail about this but no reply, anyone know if there's a special day for this or something? or was he just lucky


You most certainly cannot just spend Ecocheques on anything not now or ever: in French

Aug 20, 2013 09:57

Weird, well my friend went in and was told he could spend them on anything on that particular day

Guess it just isn't official

Aug 20, 2013 11:13

Weird, well my friend went in and was told he could spend them on anything on that particular day

Guess it just isn't official

Aug 20, 2013 11:14

I think some stores do turn a blind eye to what you spend them on but they aren't supposed to.

Sep 14, 2013 19:51