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Elective C-section


I am a wanna-be mom who is so petrified of natural birth, that I would only consider getting pregnant if a doctor agrees on a ELCS in advance. My choice is informed and at this point no amount of talking to midwives is likely to change my mind. I am aware that the Belgian system is geared towards natural births, so was hoping someone on this forum may have had a similar predicament. Any ideas on how to go about that? Should I be getting a note from a shrink saying that I am a handful? Marching into a gyne's office and telling them that I don't trust them with the standard procedure is not a great opening line. Insurance is not an issue & covered as much as I can possibly be.
Thanks in advance!


my wife had a C and yes, it does seem easier but don't forget it is a massive intervention and as such a major type of surgery. Although she had longer in bed afetrwards she also ha dmuch longer being helpless at home, unable to lift or take pressure, despite some excellent port natal recovery exercises and course... so the negatives come afterwards. Friends of ours just had natural babies and both mothers are at home and back in busines in 3 days, whereas it took my wife about 3m to get going again. Now, 20 years later the area where the intervention was made is a problem again as it has no muscles to tense so it is "flabby" - and I am th eone that likes beer and now she's the one that looks ot have to beer belly. OK, she had to have a C but she'd wishes she'd been able to have a natural CB and recovery. Try talking to some of the mothers at the Brussels Childbrith Trust (The BCT) they are a GREAT support group for any road you may want to take before and fater birth. They saved my wife's sanity.

Feb 10, 2013 12:46