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Electrician in Brussels area


I have bought all my lights fixtures/bulbs, and what i need now is someone who can help me to fix them up.

Anyone knows of any good electrician whose charges are reasonable? And approx how much are these charges?

I am in Brussels area - near Montgomery.


I can recommend JFB Elec Spril, telephone 0485046004. He spent about a day installing and repairing several plugs and lights for me and my bill was over 400 euro.

Apr 9, 2013 20:21

this guy did all my electrical works,he is certified ,you can call him any time to get ur job done.his prizes are considerate
MARIE :0488807229

Apr 10, 2013 02:05

I know an certificate electrician which prices are very reasonables and he speaks english aswel. His phone number is; 0483 611657 -Daniel

Oct 10, 2013 20:05

The best English speaking certified electrician in the Brussels area, is without doubt: ABC ELEC, an electrical contractor, who speaks English very well, his phone nr is 0485058365, and his website in English is:

Jan 10, 2015 04:43

electrician brussles,

Jan 10, 2015 04:44

electrician brussels area,

Jan 10, 2015 04:45