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employment activa plan


Hi, I am 25 with a Belgian ID, and UK passport. 20 months ago I left Belgium as I was unemployed. I found work outside of the EU. I came back to Belgian last Friday. I managed to get a job this Tuesday. Now the problem. The boss has asked for my "activa " paperwork, so he can claim the rebate from the state. My activa paperwork is our of date. I contacted the chomage dept, and they told me I could not have the activa paperwork renewed as I had been of their system for more than 18 months. I now have to go on chomage and wait 18 months, before I can get it. So I will have to go on the chomage which I do not want to do. The boss will quite rightly not take me on at full price. Is this REALLY correct this system or do I still have jet lag ? thanks


Hi Frugalboy,
why is your job hunt to this job - apparently you are successful in finding a job in these times (also in BE) ... so, get a life after your jet lag and move on for another job without this limitation.

Re to your request: well, if you had been out of the BE system, because you had a job and a living wherever. That's fantastic and way better than chomage ..and this means in the end that you don't qualify for the 'activa' employment plan in Belgium., move on with your job hunt.

Good luck!

Jun 14, 2013 15:08

Well, that was even less helpful than this post is.

Jun 14, 2013 17:12

Hi, thanks for your reply. I dont see why I should keep looking for another job when I have found one I like and have been accepted. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the activa plan is, the result is quite clear. It penalises people like me who are in work the majority or all of the time. In the salary scale I am in, nearly all companies will only take on those on activa. The employer will quite obviously want the rebate it offers.
When I went for the interview I was the 6th person he had seen. The first five did not make the grade. He took me on and I started the next day. Perhaps I should try and sell him the idea that he has to pay more for the right person.thanks for your reply.

Jun 15, 2013 12:46

"Well, that was even less helpful than this post is." LOL. I probably did not explain my problem fully. I just need to tell my boss that activa is a no no. Wish me luck. If you hear a door banging loudly today, its me being thrown out down in the Ardennes..

Jun 15, 2013 12:49

You must be darned good to get a job that quickly -- took me ages :-) Well done for that - I was finally employed via teh Activa scheme -- The rebate disappears after a while -- Fortunately they decided I was worth keeping -- I think the only route is to convince your boss you are worth it (after all -- the rebate doesn't last for ever and the assumption/hope is that he would keep you after teh rebate ends anyway)

All the best and fingers crossed for you

Jun 15, 2013 13:05

Thanks Luke, I think it was the language ability he wanted. It really was about being in the right place at the right time. I have not been so lucky other times. Thanks for your kind wors, and yes you make a good point. Activa is not for ever and you got kept on. Cheers

Jun 15, 2013 13:10