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Energy and Electricity


Within the past few weeks I have had two suppliers of electricity ring the doorbell. Today it was Luminus and a couple of weeks ago another but I don’t remember the name. I am actually with ENI, which used to be Nuon.
Both of the callers tried to leave the impression that they were doing a survey to determine which supplier I was using and whether I have a single electric counter or a day/night counter. I suspect that the caller today knew the answer to those questions before he rang the bell.
I asked him if he was really doing a survey or if he was trying to get me to switch to his supplier. Finally, after some persistence on my part, including getting him to produce his company ID card, he admitted that he was trying to get me to switch. He had some prepared information which he showed me and according to that information I could reduce the cost of daytime consumption be about 15% and the nighttime consumption by about 5%. I guess I’m a bit naturally suspicious about door-to-door salespeople. I also recall something one of my economics professors use to say which was “Figures lie and liars figure”. I think there may sometimes be some truth to that.
In any case, has anyone done a study of all electricity suppliers (I believe there are four or five main ones) in Belgium to see which offers the best deal? I recall when I went with Nuon they guaranteed the rate that was current then for three years, which they in fact did. I’m not interested in switching if it is a bait and switch situation in which they offer a low rate for a few months and then increase it for the rest of the contract. But if I can reduce my energy costs over the long run I might be interested in going with a new company. Does anyone have good information on the subject?


If you go to there is a handy tool that allows you to compare the costs of various energy suppliers in your area and based on your usage.

I've personally had bad experiences with Luminus and Electrabel.

Aug 2, 2013 16:18
Bruce M

Thanks. Looked at the website and it looks good. Not at home now but will follow up again when I get home.

Aug 5, 2013 08:15

I have also had a bad experience with Luminus!! they did as with you and did not say they were from Luminus. Most unprofessional! After the visit I kept getting letters about the "change" in my supplier - I called and was told that there would be no change, but i continued to receive letters from my "new" supplier. I had to threaten them with legal action to get them to stop! It was very stressful.
They have an office near Gare Centrale i went there and was informed that if i wanted to cancel my contract ( which I never had) i would have to go to ... Liège!!!!

Aug 5, 2013 09:30