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English-language bookstores?


Does anyone know of any bookstores in the Brussels central area that sell a good variety of reading books in English? (History, biographies, fiction etc...)


Sterling Books (Wolvengracht 38 Fossé aux Loups) and Waterstones ( Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan 71-75)

Mar 22, 2013 14:15

The fnac in City2 at the top floor has a really good range of English books.

Mar 22, 2013 14:19

You might like this better:

It can make a difference when it comes to prices...

Mar 22, 2013 16:17

Always buy English books on line- the price in the shops in Brussels is extremely high.

Mar 22, 2013 17:02

Always buy everything online if you can, not just books.
Still, some of us are old fashioned and enjoy the satisfaction of purchasing when out and about.

Mar 22, 2013 18:56

The regular sales around May/June are good for stocking up cheaply (churches, "international" schools, etc.). That does me for the year, and online for specifics where I have to shell out full whack.

Mar 22, 2013 21:46

Great - many thanks for the feedback. To think I was buying from Amazon UK and often paying over 10 euros per book in international shipping fees! I love to browse bookstores but will also try the suggested online option.

Mar 22, 2013 23:28

I also love browsing books in real, although I then often end up buying online. Filigranes ( is my favorite in Brussels. Their English section is not very large, but they are also a cafe so you can sit down to read without buying. The English books are in the basement (turn to right right after the entrance).

Mar 24, 2013 12:33

Pel Mel on Chausee de Waterloo ( between Bascule and Ma Compagne opposite Delhaize) has a large and well organised English book section;, fiction and non fiction.

The Oxfam bookshops are also very good, I use the one on Chaussee d'Ixelles near Flagey and that on on rue Vanderkindere.

Mar 27, 2013 18:25