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EU Expats and Claude Junker


Forgive me if this not the correct place - but were you aware of


You're right, it isn't the correct place.

Oct 11, 2016 15:03

A lot of people here want the British gone

Oct 12, 2016 10:11

Very disappointing to see the racist flavour of your reply on a website totally dedicated to enhancing the lives of we band of expats, of all nations, who choose to live in a foreign country.

My intention is to draw attention to the real threat that our unelected Junkers poses to we expats, of whatever nationality in whatever EU country, with his alleged unlawful 'presidential order' statement.

Best wishes to all who embrace the spirit of this website.

Oct 12, 2016 15:24

I'm hard pushed to see how you think that 'A lot of people here want the British gone' is racist.
I've been here for over 20 years and I think that a good percentage of those that actually care will be perfectly happy to see the UK out of the EU. We are seen as having joined the club but have been demanding special treatment almost since day one.
Most people don't seem to care one way or the other but those that do, seem to be of the attitude that it is us who voted to leave so 'good riddance.'
I certainly haven't encountered anyone who is positively sad to see us go.

Oct 12, 2016 17:07

It just makes me laugh when the pro EU brigade claim to be happy the British are leaving. They're going to be bloody well ecstatic when the rest of it falls apart then!

Oct 13, 2016 09:51