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Event Location


I'm looking for a location to plan a weekend event for ~300 people. I need inexpensive lodging (student prices for a youth group), a meeting hall and kitchen / dining facilities. Camp style where one brings their own bedding is ok.

Proximity to BXL is good but not required.

suggestions appreciated


Have you looked at the 2 youth hostels in central Brussels? - (youth hostels elsewhere as well)

Depends on teh type of event you want -- But several of teh WW2 forts have been converted into adventure activity businesses (eg Chaudfontaine near Liege)

Jan 23, 2015 12:42

thx, It seems the max capacity is ~200 for the hostel option. Perhaps I'll have to find a hotel like complex to get the 300 capacity.

Jan 23, 2015 15:42

Check out this place... it's just beyond Liege and has good facilities.

Jan 23, 2015 19:29

The two possible locations I can think of are either or . Destelheide can accomodate groups of up to about 250 people and is very close to Brussels (less than 15 km), Hogerielen is further from Brussels but can accomodate very, very, large groups who either can camp in big barns or stay in dorms. I've been to both places and they are both very well run and taken care of. It is possible to organize all kinds of activities in both places but you will probably have to book a very long time ahead for such a large group. Hope this helps!

Jan 23, 2015 20:11

Ask your local scout group. Or one of the National Scouts or Guides federations.

Jan 24, 2015 02:27

Thanks for the references! is awesome. I'll check these places out. Destelheide could be a good fit.

Jan 24, 2015 18:10