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Expired Cheques "titre service"


I recently found an envelope with 30 forgotten and expired Titre Service cheques. I called the agency and they told me they are expired and that there's nothing to be done. I refuse to accept this. I paid a lot of money and I don't expect to get all of it back, but there should be a percentage I should be able to get, right? Is there any consummer aid agency who could help me fight this?
Thank you for your advice!


Sorry but every Titre Service cheque has a validity.
If they are not used they will be fully reimbursed if they are within the date of validity but not after.
See No. 10: Translated: What will happen if the date of my service has expired titles?
"As the service has a duration of 8 months. For securities services unused whose expiry date has not expired: securities services may be reimbursed, subject to the retention of administrative expenses of € 0.25 per share. You must complete the form "Request for exchange or refund service checks" that you find on the site and return Sodexo Sodexo Services at the same time as the securities refund or exchange. Expired your collateral worker who arrives at Sodexo are lost!

Mar 20, 2014 09:37

Accept your careless mistake and move on. You let them expire and that is that. If you would have been organized you could have used them or as the first response got most of your money back, but you didn't. Accept responsibility and learn from it.

Mar 20, 2014 11:36

They send a leaflet about this every time they raise the price, and it says in the leaflet (the last one had a very sad faced woman on it), please do not overbuy because if the cheques become out of date, you lose them, nothing to be done..

Mar 20, 2014 14:02

Guys, you have a point about cheque's validity but as long as they are not used, there must be a way to get part of it re-imbursed (atleast for the last fiscal year). I feel this cheque business is a big scam because there are number of people who forgot or miss (for valid reasons) the deadline and the companies issuing these cheque's make a lot of cash just like that.

Jan 26, 2015 23:29