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Eye floaters - treatment


Hello everyone,

I'm farsighted and astigmatic - basically, I got used to it. But for some time I've seen more and more floaters in both eyes. This is irritating, especially that I've just started work and stare at the light-colored walls and screens for several hours a day. I know that floaters might be a controversial issue, some say get used to them, but I decided it's just too much. Do you know about a doctor specializing in treating floaters - anywhere in Belgium or even outside (I know about a Czech clinic where they remove the vitreous humor, but I don't want to go that far right now)? Will be grateful for any suggestions.



I would get my eyes checked by a specialist sooner rather than later.

Jun 24, 2014 20:55


I have my eyes checked every two years on average when I need to have new glasses adjusted. And the doctors so far told me I had to live with the floaters... I can't anymore :-(.

Jun 25, 2014 21:50

Make sure you drink A LOT! Taking Vitrécor capsules by Densmore Laboratories (France) has helped me alleviate (not reimbursed as it is a food supplement with hyaluronate). Ensure you don't have jammed neck or too tense muscles. Flat sleeping position. Try eyedoc J P Elens. Once you have them, they stay but can get to a level that it doesn't drive you nuts. Good luck! DON'T operate!

Jun 26, 2014 20:59

This has just become a big issue for me, following lens implant surgery that was not too successful for one eye, leaving me with lots of floaters.
I found they can be treated successfully with YAG laser, with several specialist doctors in the US. It seems many/most eye doctors do not believe it can be treated. There are some doctors in Europe that use the treatment. See for a very useful summary.

Aug 31, 2014 16:25

Eye Floaters are harmless strands associated with collagen or remnants of fetal veins. The only way to eliminate them is a surgery called a vitrectomy, in which the surgeon removes the vitreous humor (the jelly-like substance in the attention) and replaces it along with artificial vitreous.

Sep 16, 2014 13:09

Eye floaters could also be caused by Lyme disease. Mines are better with treatment. Check it if you were ever bitten by a tick.

Sep 22, 2014 23:33