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F card


Is F card is permanent or tempory? And what are the condition for the first 3 years? Or is there any other conditions for the F card holder. Can the F card can be taken in the five years?


F card is not permanent. It can be removed if no longer entitled.

Jan 17, 2018 08:25

F-card gives its holder a permanenet conditional residence. Under conditional means: if you separate from your EU/Belgian spouse/partner or your EU/Belgian partner/relative leaves Belgium, you might lose your status.

Although there are set of conditions that could help you to retain your status even if separated:
- your partnership or family has lasted for at least three years at the end of your partnership or family, of which at least one year in Belgium, or
- the right of custody of your children with the Belgian partner is assigned to you (by mutual agreement or by court decision). The children must then stay in Belgium.
- the right of access to a minor child has been assigned to you (by mutual agreement or judicial decision) and the judge has determined that you must exercise this right of detention in Belgium and this for as long as necessary
- in particularly distressing situations. For example, if you were the victim of domestic violence during your partnership

and you might need to be asked to proof that:
- you are employed or self-employed in Belgium, or
- for yourself and your family you have sufficient resources to prevent you from being dependent on the OCMW in Belgium during your stay and you have health insurance, or
- part of a family of which a person meets all these conditions.

you can look up more information here:

Jan 18, 2018 11:43


do you know if the cohabitation and marriage period can be summed? I've been in cohabitation with my partner for 1 year before getting married, all in Belgium, got my F card after 6 months waiting.
In case of an unfortunate event, would my cohabitation count in those 3 years?

Thanks in advance!

Feb 20, 2018 10:03