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faits personnels graves


Hi, can someone clarify it, if a few years ago someone get fine in metro for not having valid ticket, and paid the fine the matter doesn't go to Judge will it be considered as "faits personnels graves" , does anyone went through this procedure and got nationality without negative opinion from Public Prosecutor.


So do you have a criminal record?

Nov 13, 2020 09:26

'extrait de casier judiciaire' shows no criminal record. But wants to know such kind of matter is consider as faits personnel graves

Nov 13, 2020 16:37

Go for the "declaration de nationalité" procedure. Talk to your commune.

Your 'extrait de casier judiciaire' is clean - you won't have a problem.

Nov 13, 2020 17:40
Emille B.

If ypu paid the charge without police intervention , it is not considered a fine, nor an offence. no need to mention, certainly not if it is a one time event.

Nov 20, 2020 13:45