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Flemish government launches website for healthy pre-pregnancy lifestyle

09:43 23/02/2015

Women who are trying to get pregnant should already take steps to lead a healthy lifestyle, even before conception takes place, reports De Standaard. The Flemish government has therefore launched a new website with tips for the general public on getting healthy before falling pregnant:

The importance of leading a healthy lifestyle before the start of a pregnancy should not be underestimated, according to the website. Some of the tips provided on the website include avoiding cigarette smoke and alcoholic beverages, especially during the second half of the menstrual cycle. Another tip calls for the father to stop smoking and drinking, as well, because it makes him less fertile.

It is also recommended that the mother start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, at least four weeks before the beginning of the pregnancy, and through the third month. Folic acid intake protects against neural tube defects in the foetus such as spina bifida and cleft lip.

Written by Robyn Boyle