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Freelance with some regular salary


I am now starting work as freelance (company), though I would like to have a low regular salary, to have full mutuelle and be inside the unemployment benefit system (Have enough worked days to qualify).

Does a director salary cover this? How is the size of a director salary set? Would the authorities be suspicious if regular salary and business income originates from the same work and end-client?


Once again, fisc agent, (aka Hal, cqfd, Topgun, topguns, etc. etc.) is posting complete rubbish. A directors salary can be anything you like (I pay myself €1,000 per month as a directors fee). However, as a "director", you are NOT an employee, and therefore you pay different scales of social security (as does the company paying you), and your entitlement to unemployment benefit is no different to that of a self employed person. Seems to me that you don't quite understand the difference between the two. Have you spoken to your accountant about this?
Also, if you only have one client, you do need to be careful to ensure that the way in which the work is procured is done correctly. Many contractors only work for one client at any one time, which is fine. But if long term, you only have one client, then it is possible that the ONSS people will want to investigate. The fisc don't really care, as they get pretty much the same tax either way, it's the ONSS that loose significant employers social security contributions on your "salary" that will be the people that are concerned.

May 1, 2012 16:57