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Friendly stranger or Weird to watch out for?


Our postman arrived at our door yesterday with a parcel and on seeing the 'happy birthday' sign above the door asked whose birthday it was. My daughter 4yrs was next to me and she pointed to herself. He then erupted into song singing happy birthday. Lovely we thought how friendly.
Today she got an envelope in the letter box with a birthday card in it and 5 euros from the postman.
I want to think it was just someone being kind but on the other hand it's also a bit weird , surely he doesn't do that to all the children he delivers to.
It's not like we've talked or met before maybe once so he doesn't know us at all. He also remembered my daughters name (the Belgian way of saying it) although it doesn't exist in Belgium, is always mispronounced and spelled wrong by strangers, he spelt it wrong but remembered it enough to write it on the card.

sarah i

How lovely - I would be thrilled to have such a lovely postman :-)

Take it at face value, this is a nice person, making a kind friendly and welcoming gesture .

Happy Birthday to your daughter

Sep 3, 2013 21:24

I think it is weird that he gives money. That he knows your names is normal. After all he delivers the mail... I would just wait & see if he gets overly friendly again. Do you have any friendly neighbours who have been living there longer? Perhaps casually mention to them that the mail man did a nice gesture and gave your daughter 5€ and see how they react. And just tell your daughter never ever to open the front door, not even for the nice mail man!

Sep 5, 2013 11:47

I usderstand your concern, however if he was just nice it's sad people think badly of him for being kind to a little girl.
Just keep and eye out on how he is in the future. I would also tell your daughter that whilst he is a nice person she musts always be sure mummy knows if they talk because its never good to keep secrets from mummy.
Sadly recent research in the uk showed almost. All small children went off. With a stranger when spoken to nthem ncely and said their patents said ot was ok. The parents were aware it was being done it was an experiement. Final thing to add is that children are much more likely to be abused by a family member than a stranger.

Sep 12, 2013 14:09