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Full Time Job + Freelance


hi all,

sorry in advance if a similar question has been asked in the past.

I'm in a situation where I have a full time job in Belgium (it's been almost 4 years now), but I have been approached by a company for which I could potentially do things, too. This company is in another EU country.

I have no idea how to go about this. Can I keep my full time job and do the other job as a freelancer? If I can do this, how to go about it? How does all this work in terms of taxes, etc.

I really would appreciate your feedback.

Merry xmas to all of you. :)

Emille B.

Are these activities under VAT regime?
You can do a lot of extar activities as a normal salaried person , there is separate taxcode for these ;they are taxed on top of your fulltime income.
You can also opt for "zelfstandig bijberoep", the extra activities are somewhat more separated from your normal salary , and you can deduct some costs.

Dec 13, 2012 14:02