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Good relocation agents in Brussels


Me and my husband are moving to Brussels in March and we are looking for a relocation agency with a good reputation for showing great apartments in safe and lovely areas.

Can anyone help with suggestions?

Thanks so much


Forget it. Relocation agencies tend to show you overpriced, difficult-to-rent appartments in areas they thing ought to be ex-patty.

"safe and lovely" covers at least most of Brussels, but really, you need to walk around the neighbourhood to see what you think of it. Brussels being Brussels, the most des-res apartment block is in one of the worst areas of the city...


Jan 25, 2015 00:31

Hi. Christina , welcome to Brussels. If you don't have children and aren't in a rush I'd suggest you rent a place in a short term residence that's serviced and then get out and explore.
Decide first do you want to be in town or out, if so next question is language choose a commune that you like the sound of. Go and walk about see what districts you like. Check out links for transport, parking etc. be aware even small journeys can take a long time in rush hours so depends where either of you are employed. Some areas parking is difficult.
As J said some nice apartments are in slightly less nice ares.
Immoweb do have a wide range of apartments to offer so check out the site. Some estate agents offer good details other not as much. Usually the agents will have some English, but not always they are lots of estate agents here. We personally went to look at the outside of any property first to gauge the level of maintaince, so when you go look at state of small things like bath seals and chips in tiles to gauge the quality of the landlord.
We had relocation services to be honest the most use they were was in dealing with our Flemish commune. Connection of utilities etc. we drove around at the whim of the estate agents they dealt with and so you go back and forth over the same areas rather than being able to judge area by area and it was really tiring.
Also sometimes you find good apartments on here so look at property pages.
All the best with your move

Jan 29, 2015 14:11

Hi Christina, you can check out or, they're both very reknowned relocation agents amongst expats.

You could also try looking at for apartments, personally it's quite easy to use. Plus they provide free relocation services to help you move into your new apartment ( )as well as house insurance options ( . It might be worth looking into.

Jul 29, 2019 09:33

I think the idea of renting a short term serviced apartment is a great idea. Agencies will tell you whatever you want to hear to make their sale. To get a large selection of apartments/serviced apartments/aparthotels, you can check out Homelike. They are a huge international company with thousands of properties in Europe.

Mar 9, 2020 16:21