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To have baby or not?
I have just discovered that I am pregnant. I am 36, an Irish citizen, self-employed and paying Belgian tax since 2009. I am legally separated from my husband who is also still in Belgium, but not yet divorced. He is not the father of the child, and I can confidently say that the father will not be part of the picture.
My question is, what sort of entitlements, help, etc can I expect in Belgium. Of course there are a lot of other issues to weigh up, but it may help to have a clear idea of what hassles/support I could expect bearing in mind that I have no family nearby to help out should I decide to go ahead with the pregnancy.
Hello. This is not a question I want to answer fully on this forum. Could you create an e-mail address to contact you on so I can give you my contact details? I am also Irish and experienced EXACTLY the same situation. I'd be happy to share my experience and give you all the info I can.