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Holiday Bazaar St Johns International school Waterloo


Has anyone been to the American Holiday Bazaar last year, or had a stand there? I'd like to know how the Bazaar is doing these years. I had a stand there when the economical crisis just started, and most stand holders did really bad financially (I just managed). I'm thinking of giving it a try again, but the price for stands has doubled now. My products are mostly in the price range of 70€ to 150€ and are what you would call functional art. The American Women's Club in Antwerp is not even doing their yearly Christmas market, which sounds like a sign that those markets are not doing so great anymore. Thank you for any feedback if you have been to one of those international Christmas markets last year! If you know of any good ones, which offer a stand at reasonable price, please let me know!


Overpriced tat on sale - I stopped going some years ago. I don't think it is likely that your products would sell as too pricey

Oct 22, 2013 10:33