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Horse-drawn carriages shut down in extreme heat, but ‘for no reason’

17:12 06/08/2018

The operator of horse-drawn carriages in Brussels has stopped its services for a few days because of the hot weather. That’s not for the welfare of the horses, however, but for residents and visitors of the capital who are “overly concerned”, says the owner of the company.

Residents and tourists in the capital are worried about the horses pulling carriage in temperatures exceeding 35 degrees, but Thibaut Dentinne of Carriage Tour Brussels says that is unnecessary. “The horses don’t actually suffer from the heat, and they never break into a sweat,” he told Bruzz. That’s because they just walk rather than trot. Also, we always start and end the tours in the shade, and we go through small streets, where there are breezes blowing through and plenty of shade.”

Still, the company has cancelled a few tours and will not take to their normal squares to await tourists today or tomorrow. “We are doing this to protect tour image as carriage drivers,” Dentinne said. “Many tourists have expressed concern about the animals and think that we are treating them badly. But there is, again, no reason for this.”

Some residents of the capital are against horse-drawn carriages in general, considering it animal abuse. Carriage Tour Brussels gets occasional negative comments from passers-by and more via social media, he confirms.

“The people who raise the most fuss don’t know anything about horses or their wellbeing,” he says. “We love our four-footers immensely and would never endanger their health.”

Written by Lisa Bradshaw



Bruges is another place where carriage horses are used and abused. They are forced to trot at a brisk pace on the stone city streets.

Aug 7, 2018 12:12

I have been informed that blinkers on horses are cruel - the horse cannot see at all since they can only see from the side (obviously used to have absolute obedience from the animal).

So, at least this practice must stop in order to allow the animal some liberty - a minimum.

Animals have rights too and those rights should be respected.

Aug 8, 2018 10:45