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House bought in Brussels through a UK Dormant Company. Is the dormant company liable for Belgian taxes .


I am selling my house that I bought through a dormant company I set up in the UK, as at the time was the only solution . This company has never operated and has always been dormant. Belgian tax people now say I owe money on this company's assets. Is this true ?? Is there a Lawyer that knows tax law when dealing with a dormant UK Company. If so can I have your details, or even some advice


It would seem the company is taxed on the profit it made on the deal. The fact that it is dormant is of little relevance as the property is in Belgium and as such subject to local legislation. Tax exemption only applies to individuals. Start with a notary (Berquin) who may be able to help you.

Jan 15, 2014 16:49

I'd ask an accountant - maybe the one who set up this wonderful scheme in the first place.

Accountants tend to be better on tax law and money saving scams than lawyers are.

Jan 16, 2014 18:17
The Limey

Another matter is that you've broken UK company law. A company cannot be dormant if it has purchased property. Presumably the accounts filed at Companies House in the UK are incorrect?

Jan 20, 2014 16:16