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House location agencies


When I moved to Brussels years back I had a company take me around town and showing me flats. I have tried to search, but I can't find any such agencies, so I'd like to ask if anybody can give me some pointers, recommend some companies that performs this service as I am looking for a flat now and the sheer quantity of options exhausts me

Thanks in advance for all replies


When I moved here a few years ago with my company, they assigned Nova Relocation to help me find a place. They were very good - or at least the agent I had was, it can vary depending who you get and how helpful they are. Was useful for me as I didn't know Brussels very well, and she took me on a hectic 2 days' flat hunting, and when I arrived she also went to the commune with me to help with all that. She spoke 4 languages too, which came in very handy. She also has a lot of relationships with the local estate agents.

Like I said though, my company assigned them to me, so I can't say how much this service costs.

Aug 6, 2013 08:48

There is another relocation company called Art of Living - very helpful and spoke several languages. Again they were assigned to us and so I don't know what they charge.

Aug 6, 2013 14:40