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House plans


We have put an offer on a house, and will be signing the compromis soon. However, the house plans provided by the owner do not correspond to the layout of the house.
For example a wall was removed to make 2 rooms into 1, a corridor was knocked off.
I emailed our notary but still awaiting a reply.

I appreciate any feedback if you know something on this subject.

PS: on our offer we clearly wrote that subject to the condition of the non existence of urban crime (urbanisme)



"a wall was removed to make 2 rooms into 1, a corridor was knocked off"
You don't need planning permission for this sort of thing.
However is the shape or aspect of the house has change, then you do need to check with Urbanisme.
It should not be a blocking factor anyway - they could simply apply for retrospective planning permission to comply with your requirements. You'd be daft to delay the house sale (given that you must like it) for such a minor issue.

Sep 27, 2012 11:33