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House selling strategy - share your experiences please!


Recently we put our house for sale in Zaventem to move closer to Brussels later. The good thing is we did not buy anything yet, financially we're secure...
But we want to move forward as soon as possible of course!

Our house has strong & weak points, we think we priced it quite reasonable in the market, we prepared a good immoweb posting, etc...First few days, very busy, in fact we were almost selling it the first day at requested price, but then it 2nd week, no visits, no interest, it's quite slow.

What do you think? What is your experience of selling a house? What kind of strategy do you recommend? We don't want to kill the price, but there is the option of moving forward... Again we're not in a hurry, so we can actually wait.

Ok, any comments? Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!


If you haven't a clue yourselves, seek advice from someone who has.

Like an estate agent.

Mar 27, 2013 16:23

Don't change the price yet; most potential buyers are looking at your advert already calculating the price minus around 2 - 5%. Make sure you have very nice pics up. If the following are in good condition make sure to mention them: Roof, insulation, heating, electrics, kitchen installation, garage, parking options, cellar, garden... Its all about how little or much work has to be done compared to the price and the location.
You can contact several estate agents and they will come take some measurements and give you a ball park figure. DO NOT sign any deals with them until you've seen a few and you are sure you want to work with an agent. But that's a whole different discussion.
Lastly, stay positive, its not a good time at the moment with the weather and time of year. It picks up again just before the summer.
This is just my personal opinion based on my experience.
Good luck!

Mar 27, 2013 22:06

Dear NFR, thanks for sharing your experience!
Of course we already talked to some agents, we learned a lot & surely you're compelled to work with them but they're expensive! At our price range, at first we wanted to give a try on our own. If we cannot manage it in the next couple of months, we'll reconsider the selling strategy of course. I'll follow your other advice for other points as well, I can further improve the posting I think...

Thanks again, cheers.

Mar 28, 2013 12:17