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How does my bank know...?


Hi Expats,

I'm customer with Beobank for many years. For the last 2 1/2 years, I lived in the US about 9 months out of the year, for which reason I had to turn in my Belgian identity card.

Now I received a letter from Beobank stating that they were going to inform the US tax authorities about my account balance for 2016. But I've never told them that I left Brussels!

So how in the world do they know about that? Does the government inform the banks if somebody returns their ID card?


Mickey - With all the rubbish you're spouting here about FACTA, I've really got to question whether you are mentally stable.

You obviously have no idea what the various forms that you're quoting are, or in what circumstances or how they would even be relevant in the OP's particular case.

For your own sake, you should really stop digging yourself into such a massive hole. You're making a public fool of yourself.

Jul 5, 2017 17:24

No ANON, with the evidence provided, it's your mental capacity that is in question.

The OP has not said if he has failed to file, but the question suggests he has not filed FinCEN form 114, FBAR.

This has the potential of ruining him and his family even though not one cent of US tax was avoided, and this would also apply if he had never set foot in the USA.

And that could well be all Belgian money.

The one making a fool of himself is you.

Jul 5, 2017 18:11

Jesus Mickey - You're unbelievable!

Jul 5, 2017 18:36

No ANON, you are an idiot. An absolute Tsunami of proof that FATCA exists and proof of what it does, and you come back and say it's my imagination.

How in gods name is it possible that you could see everything I have provided and still call me deluded!?

What part of what you have been shown do you not understand and not believe?

At the moment, it's as if you have been quite clearly shown a large red bus, while you are still insisting that the person showing you the bus is deluded!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Here we go, Dutch residents and citizens mugged by the USA with FATCA making sure they cannot hide.

More of my imagination, ANON!?

Jul 5, 2017 18:45

"How in gods name is it possible that you could see everything I have provided and still call me deluded!?"

Because my knowledge and experience is real, as opposed to yours which is sitting around watching youtube videos.

Jul 5, 2017 19:11

Dear Mike,


Now fuck off.

Jul 6, 2017 00:25

Singing Nivarnah for Mike....
Just because your paranoid doesn't mean there not out for you.......
The truth is I'm an EU citizen and what they do over the pond I don't care about because I can't change it no matter how true or otherwise and there is enough conspiracy theories out there. However I really don't understand how your reply is linked to the q why not start a new thread where you can rant away to hearts content J profanity isn't helpful

Jul 6, 2017 08:38

ANON...It's video of real events, and my experience is not limited to youtube. You're denial is rather like those who claim none of this real because google can't be trusted, let's just ignore the google links to trusted sources.

Are you saying the video taken in the USA with senators Paul, Meadows etc discussing US citizens being forced out of their citizenship, massive costs forced on foreign banks, human rights issues is also fake?

What's it like on your planet where you just can't see stuff that does not look nice?

J...The question is answered by this ..The bank searched and found US indicia, as required by FATCA. You know, that thing you claimed didn't exist?

CC-R... You're an EU citizen? You don't mind paying around $700 to help the USA hunt down Belgian pensioners with US links, like a parent born there? Oh I remember, you're another of the "I can't see it, can't feel it, and it not happening to me so it doesn't matter" school of though.

Otherwise known as selfish.

There are now many thousands of EU citizens that are being savaged by the USA for US taxes and monstrous penalties, some simple because a parent was born there.

This is a Dutch pensioner being relieved of $42,000 because his mother was born in the USA, and I believe his accountancy and legal costs came to not much less than that.

Has the Netherlands left the EU, CC_R?

It's no wonder the USA can get away with extending it's tax net around the globe, the apathy is mind-boggling.

Jul 6, 2017 09:00

By the way, ANON.....You claim I am deluded because your experience is real.

No, it's not. It is IMPOSSIBLE that you could have experience of the USA tax system and FATCA and claim I have no idea what I am talking about, therefore you have no experience of it at all.

You took one look, decided it had to be far fetched nonsense, and everything you have posted since is the most epic case of denial and entrenchment I have ever seen in my life.

You have described easily researched law as non existent despite numerous links to it, you have described a top US international tax firm as conspiracy theorists, you have simply dismissed other evidence by pretending you never even looked because you cannot deny it.

Honestly, pathetic.

The answer to the OP's question is he has been hunted down by FATCA, US law imposed in the EU at huge expense to us all, and now the USA can impose massive and totally disproportionate penalties on Europeans, on Europe.

On Dutch pensioners.

Jul 6, 2017 09:12

Oh, and CC_R...You suggest just stop being a US citizen? Well, ignoring the fact that many of these people never asked for US citizenship, never wanted, and ignoring the fact that being forced to renounce in order to leave is yet another US breach of the UDOHR....

About a million Canadians have now been handed over to the US as US tax payers by a Canada terrified of getting it's banks closed.

"For many US expats, renunciation now seems like a really good idea.  Why not?  Many haven’t lived in the US for years and now they have few ties there except perhaps some family members.  So they want to renounce their citizenship only to find that the laws regarding expatriation are confusing and that the exit tax requirements are at best complicated and invasive, and at worst, extortionate and utterly in violation of their right to expatriate."

You get that, CC_R?

The USA has made it impossible for most to renounce!

Jul 6, 2017 09:28
