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Id card renewal


I came to Belgium for work 5 years ago. My id card (EU national) is about to expire (1 October) and I want to renew it. Does the process take as long as the initial registration? I am currently unemployed, would that be a problem?
Thanks in advance for any replies.


Perhaps it depends on the commune, but for an EU national it should only take a few minutes to request a new card. You have to pay a small fee (check your commune website) and you get a new credit card sized residence card.

Of course you may have to queue up first!

Sep 7, 2013 11:24

It definitely depends on the commune.
When my first one expired I got a card from the commune to remind me. I had to confirm that I wanted to renew and then I got another card to tell me when to come to collect the new one. I guess the whole thing took as long as the initial registration - about 10 minutes.

Sep 7, 2013 13:27

The one time I was unemployed at the time of renewal I lived in Ixelles commune and they would only give me a renewal for 3 months- once I had proof of employment again I went back and they then gave me a 5 year one.

This was approx 7 years ago so things might have changed. I imagine it also will depend on which person is at the desk on the day you go!!

It depends from commune to commune how long it take to get it renewed. Now I am in a Flemish commune I have found the whole process much quicker!

Sep 7, 2013 16:23

You _have_ to renew it, so it is of no consequence how long it takes.

And the time taken seems to vary from commune to commune anyway, so it's an impossible question to answer.

Sep 7, 2013 21:03