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Illegal working


Someone at work is being employed illegally. Who do I report it to?


Think very carefully what you are going to achieve with that.

Without knowing the full story, I think the only thing that will come out of it is that your colleague will be unemployed and might actually have to bear most of the negative consequences.

After all, what stops that company from saving themselves by saying it's a posting abroad? In that case, they don't have to pay taxes in Belgium or pay him in Belgium. However, an investigation would probably cost your colleague his job. If he felt exploited, he would have probably called the authorities himself.

May 1, 2014 10:25

Thanks Ivetof. What are the rules for a "posting abroad"?

May 1, 2014 13:58

I know someone posted to work here, paid from home EU country. However, they have full access to mutuelle complimentary reimbursements and could pay for hospitalisations, by bringing with them a form from their home country showing they pay social security there. They get a Belgian tax return and fill it in empty every year, as taxes and social security are paid in the other EU country. It's not illegal, normally social security would be paid here and taxes there, but due to their statuse (not diplomatic or special), that's the agreement between Belgium and the other EU country. It is quite possible that person is actually entitled to join a mutuelle here too.

May 1, 2014 16:01
Marky Mark

For Isabella and Steve it's going to be more beneficial to apply Mark Twain's advice to them than to bother conversing with, especially when they prove their IQ levels by posting solely an insult with no input whatsoever.

J - I think it's to be commended to try and rid Belgium of this unscrupulous intermediary company that is abusing your co worker.
Definitely report to them to the ministry of finance and handels register and social services.
Hope your colleague ends up with an agency that is working correctly! Good luck :)

May 9, 2014 09:20
