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Income Tax - UK, Belgium
I am looking for some professional income tax advice. I am a resident in Belgium and wish to remain here whilst I have a "working from home" contract (6 months) with a UK company. I don't want to be double taxed......naturally!
Anyone know of someone who knows the rules and can explain them in plain English!
Thanks in advance.
Are you a PAYE employee of the British company or a freelancer?
I had a similar situation and spoke to Tony Edwards at
I didn't take the job in the end but if I did then this company really seemed to know their stuff.
Well it's simple then. Your UK company is liable for all Belgian taxes, so you set up a Belgian subsidiary for it (see an accountant), your UK company becomes dormant, and you issue invoices to the company you are providing services to from your Belgian subsidiary.
Should cost you about €2000 to set this up.
Oh - and DO NOT talk to a UK based umbrella company unless you are first advised to do so by a Belgian accountant. The umbrella is very unlikely to be compliant with Belgian tax law.
For an established freelancer, you're exceedingly vague and imprecise with your use of terminology. That will get you into tax cesspit with absolute certainty. YOU need to know EXACTLY who you are working for and what tax regime you are operating under, otherwise people will make assumptions.
And they will be wrong.
And you will end up screwed.