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Insurance dragging heels after bike accident


Hi all
Bit of a long story...
In December 2012 my son was knocked off his bike on a cycle crossing by a car turning right at a junction, he had a green light to cross ( you know the stupid system here). He wasn't badly injured.
This was seen by local fire chief who called ambulance and although he said he was fine they whisked him off to hospital just in case.
His bike was damaged and we had to pay the repair, plus the cost of ambulance and accident and emergency not covered by CIS card.
The police told he wasn't liable, he had right of way.
Since then the insurance of the driver have been really difficult.
First they passed us around every department and then said because he was on a cycle on a crossing they weren't paying.
We sent them photographs showing it was I fact a clearly marked cycle path.
They have continued to give us the run around. We have Flemish and French speaking friend whose helping us with this so language isn't the issue.
Now they are demanding we submit more detailed bills for his hospital, ambulance and also the repair of his bike.
Any one any experience or idea how we get these idiots to pay us, it's not a huge bill less than 300 euro I think, but still bloody annoying they are being like this in the land where the cycle is king.
My friend said in the last message he sent them we will engage a lawyer if they don't sort it, what would that cost us and would it be not worth the effort?

Emille B.

Your son on the bicycle is normally covered by the assurance familialle , sometimes they include cover for a lawyer to defend you ,
maybe some "rechtsbijstand is also included in some other insurance you have .
ANYWAY keep hassling the driver's insurance; they will pay up in the end.
A lawyer who'd you pay for yourself would cost more than 300 euro.
Also start writing them registered letters, and add the bill for these in your claim , registered letters are considered more legal proof than emails etc also they cost the insurance company more to process than it costs you to send one.

The cycle is not king in Belgium.... elas.

Mar 11, 2014 23:02