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international school payments
Hello dear All, I have a question: our son is a student at an international school. Can we charge part/all of the tuition to our SPRL (limited company) in Belgium?? I would appreciate any info and advice on this. My thinking was: corporations pay for their staff kids in intl. schools. Can an SPRL do the same? And under what conditions? thank you. A.
By definition, and SPRL is a Belgian limited company, so you cannot offer the directors benefits that are only tax-deductible for employees on an ex-pat package recruited from abroad.
Corporations pay school fees for foreign executives. If you're not on an expat package, they are a benefit in kind and are taxed.
There is a very remote possibility that I could be wrong - double-check with your accountant.
Given that you're here long term, local schools would seem the obvious answer.
You may find the school sympathetic to your new non-corporate status.