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Interview expenses


I posted this question a few days back but it has disappeared, so I try again.

Do Belgian companies normally refund travel expenses to attend a job interview? There was no mention of reimbursement by their HR department before or after the interview, would it be unusual to ask for a refund?

Thanks in advance for any replies.


If they do normally you would be sent a claim form for travel with the interview details by e-mail. I'd say if you have to ask then it's not their policy.

Then again no harm in asking.

Mar 17, 2013 19:15

You won't know unless you ask.

But given that most Belgian companies won't even let you stay overnight, I'd have thought it's only worth insisting on if you really don't want the job.

Mar 17, 2013 21:42

I would think, especially if it is a small-to-medium size company, that there is no specific 'policy' as such....and as long as you don't ask, they are happy not to do it.

If you really really want the job and the expenses are reasonable for you, then I would say don't ask.

Mar 18, 2013 09:12

I have never had travel expenses reimbursed. I wouldn't even think of asking, no one does. However, if you are unemployed, you can get a cheaper train ticket. You need to get a form from the VDAB or Actiris though (where you have to give proff that you have an interview that specific day). Train ticket is 2€ return.

Mar 19, 2013 13:06